Customized Salesforce environment using Aura Components, Visualforce Pages, Apex Classes/Triggers, SoQL, SoSL, and Apex Web services with particular attention to scaling considering Salesforce Governor limits
Designed and developed integrations between Salesforce and external systems [Billing, CMS, Analytics] utilizing Apex and REST services and tools like Boomi and MuleSoft to facilitate scaling of integration, extraction, and data transformation across the different systems
Guided the stakeholders to define business requirements and processes to be compatible with the Salesforce model leveraging out-of-the-box components when possible
Organized code reviews and pair-programming with other developers to encourage knowledge sharing and adopt best practices across teams
.NET Core
API integration
Actively participating in the Delivery Manager community, sharing and re-applying skills and knowledge, and bringing in best practices
Addressing database performance issues related to the business-critical external web app utilizing Redis reduced the average response time by 40%
Addressing database performance issues related to the high-profile customer-facing portal by applying MariaDB and Azure Data Factory knowledge, improving systems response time by 50%
Adopting tools to monitor applications and services in the cloud, including system health indicators, trend identification, and anomaly detection
Advised on penetration testing standards and bug bounty program efforts
Agile Methodology
Analyzed and improved legacy solutions (identify significant issues, reduce customization, technical debt, simplify integration footprint, refactor code). Led the migration to Lightning Experience
App Development
Approved crisis management escalation handling
As Product Owner, I was responsible for defining and prioritizing the roadmap for one of the scrum teams, in line with the strategic goals of the organization, communicating and discussing it with stakeholders, the leadership team, and the other scrum masters to assess value, risk, and dependencies. In addition, Identified and prioritized technical debt items, removed (or reduced) unnecessary customizations, and improved the performance and reliability of critical components
Assessments to detect hazards in new or altered business operations
Assisted security threats to the network and responded to major incidents, including DDoS, Brute Force, and various other types of malware
Azure DevOps
Built POCs (Proof of Concepts), experimenting and finding the best approach to implement an application or a process (e.g., migration)
Built highly available and scalable REST APIs using Containerized applications and Serverless architecture
CRI-O (Container Runtime Interface - OCI)
Campaigned for staff privacy awareness and training
Capable of employing a database content management system to maintain and construct dynamic webpages (open source)
Clients were consulted on the information processing or computing requirements that a computer program would handle
Cloud Architecture
Collaborate with Clients to integrate privacy and security compliance processes into system development life cycles
Collaborated with change management and transition teams to implement training and integrated legacy systems with new systems and processes
Collaborated with human resources regarding employee matters, labor union disputes, and negotiating collective bargaining agreements
Collaborated with the Privacy Engineering, InfoSec, Compliance, and Trust & Safety teams to scope and execute periodic data privacy hygiene assessments, mitigation, and remediation
Collaborated with the Product Manager to define the roadmap for any given product and translate this into user stories
Computer programs and systems were tested, maintained, and monitored, and computer program and system installation were coordinated
Conduct meetings with the IT team to gather documentation and evidence about their control environment
Conduct research and draft position papers on emerging privacy issues and trends as applied to various Cyber security disciplines and technologies and develop privacy compliance assessments for systems and programs that collect, maintain, or disseminate
Continuous Integration
Created comprehensive execution strategies to embed security controls into business practices to enhance effectiveness
Created controls to manage privacy compliance
Created controls to manage privacy compliance and assessed privacy issues associated with existing goods and services
Created modern Enterprise Lightning Apps combining Lightning Design System, Lightning App Builder and Lightning Component features
Customized Salesforce Lightning user interfaces using a declarative approach, implemented business logic leveraging no/low-code tools like flows, process builder and workflows
Data Architecture
Data privacy by design by default, accountability and compliance monitoring, and risk mitigation for privacy and security were all included
Defined and collaborated with the management team on the product's short and long-term vision and strategy
Defined the architecture footprint and short/long term plan of integration of SF (with BS, Marketing P, GCP) with an emphasis on utilizing modern integration patterns (Event-Driven, Data virtualization, micro-services, etc.) leveraging a best-in-class platform like Mulesoft and GCP. I was responsible for communicating and validating the plan for critical items with the InfoSec and architecture team and validating data flowing through the systems with the legal and compliance team
Delivered projects and products using the appropriate agile project management methodology, learning & iterating frequently
Designed a new sales process that streamlined operations and increased productivity by 25%
Designed and developed reusable UI Components and Pages with Lightning Aura Component framework
Designed and implemented Apex Classes, Controllers, Extensions and Triggers. Used both synchronous and asynchronous using Future, Batch, Schedulable, Queueable approaches to create a system able to scale keeping in mind Salesforce Governor limits
Designing and configuring a fully automated CI/CD lifecycle for the high-profile external web app resulting in a 4x reduction of average deployment time
Designing and configuring the automated CI/CD lifecycle for applications to decrease the time-to-market cycle and improve deployments' confidentiality
Designing and implementing 99.99% up-time REST API for the high-profile web application that provided a critical connectivity channel for distributed functionality
Designing infrastructure and data migration process of databases/data warehouses (Oracle or SQL Server) from on-premise to Azure Cloud
Designing new databases and schemas for the high-profile customer-facing portal keeping strong attention to data integrity and query execution efficiency applying knowledge of MariaDB and Azure Databricks
Develop client inventories, evaluate system data flows for risks to the client, and assess system security controls and privacy controls under NIST 800-53 Appendix J
Developed Mulesoft applications to integrate Salesforce with the enterprise ecosystem using REST, Streaming API and platform events.
Developed and maintained automated unit tests for apex code. Collaborating with the teams to create reusable test components
Developed custom REST Web Services in Salesforce and published for External applications for consuming
Developed multiple Lightning Record pages, App pages, Home pages and Lightning Applications using Lightning App Builder and activated for different record types and profiles per business needs.
Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
Educated and encouraged Scrum Methodology and Agile frameworks to the team member and key stakeholders
Ensured the program's continuity and efficiency
Established and sustained successful cross-business collaboration with key executives and stakeholders in information security, business, and IT operations
Established compliance with state and federal consumer protection and privacy laws
Established, upgraded, scaled, and operated to meet the current global privacy program, including privacy operations and documentation; employee data privacy and security training; policy enforcement; and privacy compliance program monitoring and audits
Establishing and implementing monitoring and management infrastructure for both availability and performance management
Evaluate complex systems and architectural documentation for privacy impacts and develop required system privacy compliance documentation, including PIAs and SORNs
Evaluate the privacy threats posed by existing goods and services
Evaluated and made recommendations for backup-related hardware and software as "standard components" utilized in infrastructure building support
Event Soucing
Event-Driven Architecture
Extensive and diverse experience in Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing, SQL Server BI, and .NET technologies
Facilitated sprint planning, daily scrums, retrospectives, and stakeholders' meetings
Facilitated the transition from Waterfall to Agile always with a coach approach
Facilitates document deadlines with the approval processes of Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA), Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA), and System of Records Notices
Focus: Service Cloud, Einstein Analytics
GDPR Compliance
GitHub Actions
Golang (Go)
Google Cloud
Grafana Stack
Guided about whether a DPIA (data protection impact assessment) is required, how to carry one out, and the expected results
Hands-on experience in Azure Cloud Services (PaaS & IaaS), Storage, Web Apps, Active Directory, Application Insights, Logic Apps, Data Factory, Service Bus, Traffic Manager, Azure Monitoring, OMS, Key Vault, Visual Studio Online (VSO), Cognitive Services (LUIS) and SQL Azure
Helped the stakeholders define system requirements, customize the platform, and make it as easy as possible for users of any technical level
Helped the stakeholders to set up personalized reports, dashboards, validation rules, and alerts, promoting a self-service approach in customing the platform when possible and when compatible with the organization's global directions
Helped the teams to simplify the sales cycle by leveraging Salesforce standard processes, out-of-the-box components and minimizing customizations. Obtaining an easy-to-maintain platform compatible with updates and new features
Identified and prioritized improvements on weak points of the Salesforce implementation minimizing existing customizations and reducing the technical debt by 20% in one year
Implement and improve scalable processes to best serve our Users
Implemented Corp, 2FA, and Role-Based Authentication mechanism using Windows Azure Active Directory and DSTS (Datacenter Security Token Service), WIF (Windows Identity Foundation)
Implemented custom Lightning applications leveraging the Aura framework, Lightning components and Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS). Implemented Javascript controllers and helpers when needed
Implemented customer facing automation processes using Email-To-Case, Web-To-Case
Implementing a fully automated infrastructure and environments cloud provisioning related to the high-profile application resulting in a 3x cost reduction spent on hosting
Improved application performance using Azure Search and SQL query optimization
In addition to leading one of the scrum teams as product owner (4 people in NL + 9 offshore), I contributed to the setup of other scrum teams by defining wow, guidelines, enabling synergies, knowledge sharing (understanding how to allow the team to work autonomously but not in isolation), setting up processes for code review, release management, platform observability (monitoring and alerting), and test automation
Informed and instructed the organization and its workers on their data protection responsibilities
Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Integrating with third-party services and external APIs as part of implementing the high-volume external web app adopting an improved way of reports produced amongst different solutions
Internally and externally communicated privacy aims and values
Involved in setting up Sales and Service Cloud creating queues, Web-to-case, Auto assignment rules, auto-response rules, escalation rules, etc.
Kanban (Agile Practice)
Kept up to date on critical consumer protection, privacy, and data security legislation
Keywords: Service Cloud, Einstein Analytics
Kubernetes Administrator
Kubernetes Developer
Leading the collaborative, dynamic planning process. Prioritizing the work that needs to be done against the capacity and capability of the team
Led incident response, including data breach readiness, by driving privacy-related awareness and training among staff, internally and externally, communicating privacy aims and ideals
Machine Learning
Maintaining and developing cookbooks and guidelines for products and infrastructures to ensure a controlled and consistent environment
Managed various risks, such as regulatory compliance and operational crisis management
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft SQL Server
Monitored and analyzed real-time security alert analysis and (DDoS) mitigation response attacks using tools and techniques and the security of critical systems (e-mail, database, web servers) and changes to susceptible computer security controls to ensure appropriate system administrative actions
Monitored the effectiveness of privacy-related risk mitigation and compliance measures
Monitored the efficacy of risk mitigation and compliance procedures related to privacy
Monitored the organization's compliance with the GDPR and internal data protection policies and procedures. This will include monitoring the assignment of responsibilities, awareness training, and staff training involved in processing operations and related audits
Monitored, analyzed, and reported (DLP) events for confidential customers and configured the (DLP) program to work with RSA Envision, Archer, SIEM, and SharePoint. Reviewed and validated security events as positive or false positives and followed an incident response process to log incidents and begin resolution
OCI (Open Container Initiative)
Object Orientated Programming (OOP)
Our team managed a Salesforce instance used by multiple countries around the world. It contributed to enriching a catalog of global features utilized as-a-service by local markets (GDPR, CPQ, Billing, Self-Service tools, etc.). Our expertise in SF allowed us to support and empower local teams and help them move faster
Participate in new and/or ongoing workgroups, committees, etc., to provide privacy input into operational activities
Participate in new and/or ongoing workgroups, committees, etc., to provide privacy input into operational activities
Perform comprehensive Security Control Assessment, writing reviews for management, operational, and technical security controls for audited applications and information systems
Performed Privacy Impact Assessments to detect hazards in new or altered business operations
Performed in-depth systems and network security analysis of intrusions to the network, applications, operating systems, firewalls, proxy servers, malware, and intrusion detection/analysis using multiple tools
Performing unit & load testing for the mission-critical customer-facing portal by applying Capybara and RSpec's knowledge to help improve the system's stability and scalability by identifying critical performance issues during the development phase
Prepare the Security Assessment Plans
Privacy leads in planning and coordinating strategic, technical, and functional consulting to federal clients
Problem Solving
Profiling, troubleshooting & bug-fixing the business-critical applications that helped improve system performance
Project Management
Provide guidance to clients on the processing and management of FOIA requests
Provided subject-matter advice and recommendations on privacy and data security to litigation partners (including commercial, product, and employment counsel), Cyber security, sourcing, brand, and engineering teams
Reported delivery status to customers and developed required delivery documentation
Resolved privacy and organizational cyber risk incidents internationally through incident response/breach response
Resolving technical problems relating to the mission-critical iOS application resulting in application performance tuning and code quality improvements
Responded to consumer and regulatory requests and investigations concerning security and privacy and wrote regulatory filings, coordinating such replies with worldwide perspectives
Responsibility for incident response and data breach preparation
Reverse-Engineering legacy modules related to critical single-page applications, uncovering and validating undocumented functional and non-functional requirements
Reviewed and responded to InfoSec incidents and problems to collect metrics, recommend and support the implementation of solutions, suggest process improvements, and conduct root cause analysis
SOLID Principles
Sales Cloud
Scrum (Agile Practice)
Served as the supervisory authority's point of contact for all data protection problems, including data breach notification
Service Cloud
Supported Salesforce deployment process leveraging SFDX framework and integrating it with code repositories (Github, Bitbucket), CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins), and DevOps platform (Copado, Autorabit)
Supported daily triage of incoming incidents (phishing, email spam, malware, exploits) to identify appropriate mechanisms to contain and mitigate risk
Supported data migration activities with particular attention to data cleaning and integrity checks. In collaboration with the development team and stakeholders, we identified ways to keep the data clean and reliable via validations and automated checks
Supported the company moving onto Salesforce Service Cloud, completely redesigning the existing Salesforce implementation. Supported migration to Lightning
Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Testified before the City Council at public oversight hearings and liaised with various District agencies to accomplish the mission and ensure compliance with numerous laws
Upgraded a Symantec/RSA DLP system to the latest version and pushed out new client agents. Worked with leadership to develop a security program that follows business objectives and helps meet PCI DSS requirements
Used SOQL, SOSL queries and DML operations for Data manipulation and kept Governor Limits in consideration.
Worked as a point of access for data subjects on privacy issues, including DSARS
Worked with staff and users to resolve computer issues such as malfunctions and application errors
XP (Agile Practice)